Keeping Up With The Joneses: An Archaeology Presentation presented by Nick Luccketti
On Saturday October 29th Historic St. Luke’s will present a symposium on 17th archaeological evidence from Isle of Wight County and the surrounding Virginia Colony. The first presentation will be given my Nick Luccketti of the James River Institute for Archaeology entitled; “Keeping up with the Joneses; Archaeology at the Sites of Two of Isle of Wight’s Earliest Settlers – Giles and Anthony Jones”. Nick has been working beneath the surface on Virginia sites since 1974. He was active in the archaeology that uncovered the James Fort at Historic Jamestown, Jamestown Rediscovery. He is a past professor of Archaeology at Christopher Newport University and has worked on over 150 projects through the Virginia Department of Historic Resources.
Dutch Treats: Dutch Trade With 17th Century Virginians
Following lunch we will hear from another member of the James River Institute for Archaeology, Dr. Beverly “Bly” Straube. Bly will be presenting a work entitled; “Dutch Treats: Archaeological evidence of the Dutch trade with 17th century Virginians”. She is an Independent Material Culture Specialist and Senior Curator, and was part of the team of archaeologists who located James Fort, the first permanent English settlement in the New World. In addition, she was one of the founding members of the Jamestown Rediscovery Archaeological Project in 1994 and served as the Senior Curator for over twenty years. In this role she managed the archaeological laboratory with oversight of the curatorial assistants, conservators, interns, and volunteers. She developed the archaeological study collection from over 2 million artifacts recovered during the project. Straube was an integral part of the planning surrounding the observation of the 400th anniversary of Jamestown’s founding.
Historic St. Luke’s is proud to present these two preeminent scholars as we seek to dig beneath the surface to find clues about life in the 17th Century Colony of Virginia.
Tickets and More Information
Tickets are on sale $25/person. Tickets include access to both presentations and lunch. You may purchase your tickets online by clicking here, or call our Welcome Center and Gift Shop at 757-357-3367.