
Archaeological Reports 



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The Anne Randall Project 

HSLR2024.May.Owsley, et al. Exhumation and Analysis of Human Skeletal Remains from Beneath the Anne Randall Ledger Stone, St. Luke’s Historic Church, Smithfield, VA. The Smithsonian, Archaeological & Cultural Solutions Inc.

In Search of the Glebe

HSLR2023.Aug.Outlaw.Pre-buiral Archaeological Search for Unmarked Graves Ancient Cemetery Reports and Maps. Archaeological & Cultural Solutions Inc.

The Joseph Bridger Exhumation

HSLR2009.Apr.Owsley, et al. Col. Joseph Bridger’s Remains from the Chancel of St. Luke’s Church, Smithfield, Virginia. National Museum of Natural History

Archaeological Investigations at Whitemarsh

HSLR2011.May.Outlaw&Outlaw.Archaeological Investigations at Whitemarsh Seventeenth Century Home of Joseph Bridger Isle of Wight County, Virginia. Wheatland Foundation Inc.

The Jordan Sisters Collection

HSLR2008.Sept.Outlaw.A Review of the Jordan Sisters Collection Historic St. Luke’s Church Isle of Wight County, Virginia. Archaeological & Cultural Solutions Inc

Dendrochronology Reports – In Dating the Construction of the Extant Church Building

HSLR2010.Aug.Miles&Worthington.The Tree-Ring Dating Timbers from Newport Parish Church (St. Luke’s or Old Brick Church), Smithfield, Isle of Wight County, Virginia. Oxford Dendrochronology Labotatory
HSLR2009.Aug.Outlaw.St. Luke’s Church (Newport Parish) Notes for Consideration in Dating the Construction of the Extant Building. Archaeological & Cultural Solutions Inc.

Archaeological Mitigation for a Drainage Trench

HSLR2008.Aug.Outlaw&Clemons.Archaeological Mitigation for a Drainage Trench at St. Luke’s Church Isle of Wight County, Virginia. Archaeological & Cultural Solutions, Inc.

Churchyard Exploratory Trench

HSLR2019.Oct.Churchyard Exploratory Trench Historic St. Luke’s Church Smithfield, Virginia